Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Awesome Kettlebell Workout Today

I had an awesome kettlebell workout!

I thought I'd share with you what exercises I did today with the kettlebell, since some people may not know what one can do with this piece of equipment.

Today I did alternating standing lunges, dead lifts, cleans to presses, overhead tricep extensions, single arm alternating bent over rows, bicep curls, oblique abdominals, alternating one arm swings progressively adding more with each set, and two arm swings. During all these movements my core is kept tightened, and so many other ancillary muscles are being worked as well.

I basically worked the entire body and completed several sets of each of these exercises. I was fully exhausted by the end my training, and I felt really good.

I can't believe it's already August. I continue to feel positive and motivated towards my goal. It helped, however, seeing more subtle results in the past two weeks. Clothes feel looser, body feels tighter, and my blood sugar seems stable.

However, I am equally aware that always knowing what I will eat during the day at every meal, keeping a record of my diet and exercise, and staying focused during those tough times contributes heavily to me being able to stay on track.

Feel free to contact me or post a comment on my blog.


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