Monday, December 13, 2010

MIA all the way

I've been Missing In Action for a while. I got off track with my eating and exercise, but again mostly the eating. Last week was so busy, I think I didn't even stop to take a breath. Homeschooling has been very time consuming for me, my sick cat, and then add in the holidays and our busy Orange County lifestyle and you get a true mess!

This week is much better. I'm just going to get right back on track with everything. Today was a great day with homeschooling. I've made lots of modifications to their daily work to make it easier on me, more challenging for them, and less time consuming for all of us. My cat, who got in a fight last week had me running back and forth from the ER during the weekends and week nights and then back again today to the vet is finally less needy.

Perhaps the rest of the month is a good time to focus on slowing down and doing less, and just trying to stay on track with nutrition and exercise. I need to put ME back in the equation in regards to not overextending myself and just trying to stay focused on the best way to care for myself.

I'll be back at Kettlebell either tonight or tomorrow, but I'll definitely workout tonight. My eating was back on track today. But for the rest of the month I think I will just focus on minute by minute and not day by day. I'm back at baby steps.

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